6 Common Microsoft Power Apps Use Cases

6 Common Microsoft Power Apps Use Cases

In our previous blog, we discussed how Microsoft Power Apps can be used to help close feature gaps in your ERP solution. In this post, we’ll address how customers often get started using Power Apps.

Many customers start with creating applications to address a nuisance they’re trying to resolve. Below are some common use cases of how Power Apps can improve organizational processes and efficiency:

  • Data Input/Entry – Streamline data entry and reduce input errors by building forms and applications that can reference data in your ERP
  • Document Upload – Using the camera and hardware on mobile devices to scan documents  – and with the addition of machine learning on the backend and AI – relevant information can be extrapolated off documents to be uploaded into Dynamics 365, SharePoint, Excel, or other SaaS solutions
  • Office Reservation – With people today going in and out of offices, Power Apps can be set up to reserve meeting and conference room spaces
  • Employee/Customer Portals – If employees or customers need to securely interact with business applications remotely, you can enable that with Microsoft Power App portals
  • Paid Time Off (PTO) Apps – Simplify employees requesting paid time off, tracking approvals, and seeing how many PTO days they have available
  • Barcode Scanning – With mobile applications in PowerApps, you can access hardware on your cell phone or tablet and use the camera on the device to scan barcodes – or with the addition of AI – it can scan and recognize objects based off of shape and a database on the back-end for managing inventory

As a Microsoft partner, we work with our customers to identify what is the problem they’re trying to solve, what is the solution, and what are the steps to get to the solution. We’ll then work hand-in-hand with customers to show how the app is developed, how to interact with that app, and how to add features with that app in the future.

Reach out to get started with Microsoft Power Apps and easily build applications to improve your organizational productivity and efficiency.